There are two forms of attractiveness when it comes to social media profiles. There is attractive for friends or attractive for clients. This is only meant in broad terms that apply to most social media networks. Friends are people you know from online and offline and are relevant to private/personal social media profiles. Clients are potential customers or potential viewers/investors/associates/interested parties. They apply mostly to commercial social media profiles, or social media profiles set up to further/advertise a business. Read :- Top Best Social Media Plugins for WordPress Blog How to create attractive social media profiles Now that the technical definitions are out-of-the-way, below you will find tips on how to create attractive social media profiles for both personal profiles and business/commercial profiles. Friends – Great pictures of you This may seem obvious, but great pictures of you are going to make your profile more attractive. One assumes that people are looking at your profile to see all about you in the first place, or that they have at least a passing interest in you. Give them pictures of you that are good. Do not fill your pictures areas with pictures of family, pets and miscellaneous. Give people pictures of you and try to make them about something instead of seven hundred “selfies” of you with your camera phone. Friends – The occasional picture of you looking hot If you have a hot picture or two, then slip one in. Your friends of the opposite sex will want to see, as well as the partners of your current friends. There is nothing wrong with celebrating the fact that sometimes you look cute or hot. Check :- Social Media Tricks to Promote Business Clients – Professional pictures to show your legitimacy Obviously, you should not populate your profile with pictures of your staff drinking in music tents. Go for more professional pictures on your profile, and take a step further into a conservative professional ethos. In other words, make your pictures professional and then plus ten percent more. Clients – Pictures of your products that will interest your target audience One assumes that people are looking at your social media profiles because they have an interest in your business, services, website or products. If that is the case, then give them pictures of your products or pictures of the results of your service.