Using a business credit card for purchases related to your company is preferable to using your personal credit card for a few reasons. For one, you can distinguish your personal from business activities and gather a separate listing of your business expenses for the year. A business credit card account can also offer you certain privileges and benefits that you wouldn't get with a regular card.
Step 1
Check your personal credit rating because it's highly likely that the creditor will evaluate your business application based on this information. Even though the business creditor requests your employer identification number (particularly in the case of a corporate entity), the company still needs a human person to represent the account. According to Fair Isaac Corporation, the company that calculates FICO credit scores, there is no specific cut-off score that will assure that you'll qualify for a credit account (see Reference 1), but generally creditors consider a score of 700 or better credit worthy (see Reference 2). The interest rate you're offered if approved will vary depending on the creditor and your score.
Step 2
Register your business with your state—once you submit your official business registration with your state you may start to receive business credit card applications in the mail. Apply for business credit cards using an online application service that gives you a choice of various card programs, or call various business card companies directly as an alternative.
Step 3
Enter your basic business and personal information on the application, including name ("doing business as" and name of owner), business address, date of birth, and your employer identification number (EIN). You may also have to provide your personal social security number as the company owner.
Step 4
Submit information about the type of business you've started on the credit card application. The options include sole proprietorship, partnership, or a corporation.
Step 5
Provide your personal household income information on the application. You usually have to enter business income for the prior year to get a business credit card, but as a startup your previous income is zero. The creditor's decision will largely rely on your personal household income. If asked, give information about the industry you're starting in and the number of years you've been in business also.
Step 6
Sign the credit card application as one of the decision making parties of the firm. That includes owner, partner, treasurer, or a corporate secretary who has been put in charge of this task. Submit your application and wait for an approval.
Step 7
Request additional cards for employees upon approval if you'd like and wait for your materials to arrive in the mail.
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